Welcome to . . . . Track2.com . . . . Home Page
Serving North Central Pennsylvania

A. Major Hosted Sites

  1. Information Sites for North Central PA

    Track2 RailNet


    G scale Controls

    Central Pa Mac Users




  2. Building Easy Web Pages

    See NineDollarWebPage.com for info, or . . . . watch the YouTube video

    How To Easily Create & Maintain A 'YourName.com' web page for about $9/year" -- using the combination of a free Google blog and a $9/year forwarding domain name from GoDaddy.com

  3. Forwarding Domain Name Info - get a 'YourName.com' domain name for about $9/year
  4. Listserver Information - Yahoo email discussion & announcement groups
  5. PDF Help

    B. Videos

  6. Video Index Page - master list of all Track2.com amateur videos
  7. Webmaster Video #1 (YouTube) - by James Ingram, tips for building free/inexpensive web pages for groups

    You need Apple's free Quicktime Player For Windows installed to view the following Quicktime videos:

  8. Webmaster Video #2 - What Ingram uses his Macintosh computer for
    (part of Mac Users "Meet The Members" series)
  9. Directory for Central Pa Mac Users Quicktime "Meet The Members" video series

  10. James Ingram & Rita Stine, West Coast Swing dance performances:

    9/17/05 Practice

    10/2/05 Showcase

    11/11/07 Showcase

    C. Other Misc Info

  11. Misc Photos Directory
  12. Links:
    . . . . A few Financial Links - Do Not Call, Credit Report Lockdown, etc
    . . . . OLD 2006 Shopping Links . . . . OLD 2002 Misc Links

  13.  Quicken Financial Recordkeeping Examples:

    . . . . . . Danville Apple Pi. . Susquehanna S gaugers

  14. Misc Old Jokes Page

    D. Webmaster Contact Info

  15. Webmaster's Resume & Background Info is at . . JamesIngram.net

    Contact Info

    James Robert Ingram
    1738 East Third St, PMB#357
    Williamsport Pa 17701-3868
    VMS/Landline (570) 322-7597

    Cell Phone calls -- I can return calls within the lower 48 United States on my cell phone after 9 pm EST. If you want me to call you, or you want to call me on the cell number, email me your phone number.
    Alternately, I can email you my cell phone number, providing you identify yourself by name, phone number, and address.
_ . . . . . . This page modified 1/15/2009 . . . . . . _



















